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Signs and Symbols: Semiotics

There is a discipline in academics called Semiotics, which is defined as: the study of meaning-making, the philosophical theory of signs and symbols. This includes the study of signs and sign processes (semiosis), indication, designation, likeness, analogy, metaphor,...

Joy of Learning: LCPS BOD

There’s a lot to say about the Joy of Learning; we try to keep that in the forefront of important elements for online learning and DLE, but it’s very very hard to define. An intangible, if you will,, and subjective, and a challenge to quantify with Big...

Net Neutrality explainer: NYT

This article/ opinion piece from the NYT purports to offer a super-simple way to understand the internet regulatory policy being developed for US. His explanation is a nice try, but in reality, there isn’t a real precedent to point to for developing current...