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T3YBC Tabletop dolly and “sliders”

We’ve got a tabletop, and these little skate dollies could perhaps do some cool things in the PSA LLS in a tiny space, and for little cost. Amazon has a ton of them, just search “Tabletop Dolly”. I think this guy is channeling Jim Carrey, and heads...

T3YBC Tracks and Dollies

Just a little bit of camera movement can really enhance a shot, especially if the “talent” is more or less stationary. Here’s one low cost track and dolly system…that seems to “work”. The question for interior PSA LLS (Learning Lab...

T3YBC Mini, and ProAm 8-12′ Jib demo

DIY digital film/ video is apparently becoming, or already is, an activity engaged in by large numbers of people around the world, as evidenced by YouTube’s enormous and ever growing “content library” …….but also as evidenced by the...