by andflywrite | Apr 10, 2015 | BEST LINKS EVER
A very interesting development from a number of perspectives. One of which being the evolution of gate keepers for accreditation in the world of OTL. PSA has posited that new entities and methods would take over the verification of knowledge and skills in a world...
by andflywrite | Aug 7, 2014 | BEST LINKS EVER, GO AHEAD CALLER
We’ve noted for some years now that the big kahuna of change in learning options and access and employment opportunities is “Accreditation”. Assuming access becomes less and less of an obstacle, what will be left in the way of OTL will...
by gary575 | Jun 22, 2014 | BEST LINKS EVER
“A Smart Way to Skip College in Pursuit of a Job” is the subhead on this NYTimes article. This concept sounds like it could really be something, especially since it has corporate backing. This seems to answer the perplexing accreditation problem. AT&T...
by andflywrite | Aug 26, 2013 | BEST LINKS EVER
Exit exam for college, called Collegiate Learning Assessment Plus (CLA+) discussed here. How much distance is there…from the place of having an exit exam that employers demand…to having the possibility to take such an exam without requirements of actually...
by andflywrite | Mar 19, 2013 | BEST LINKS EVER
LA Times story of Mar. 14, 2013. California state Senate president pro-tem, introduced a bill that would allow students, who can’t get into needed courses f2f… a common problem…to take those courses online whether at their “home”...