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FCC redoes Net Neutrality rules

Wheeler at FCC announces a do-over on net neutrality rules. One might caution that the devil is in the details, as with most things emanating from our nation’s captitol. The lawyers will be writing and sorting out the fine print, which is where the rubber will...

F.C.C. modifying eRate

FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler announced that the eRate program that collects and distributes taxes from the “universal access fund” to provide services to schools across the US will be modified in important ways. 1) F.C.C. will double, to $2 billion, the...

DataWind $38 Tablet

Link from Gary about company from India that makes and sells extremely low priced tablets with internet access, and is moving to target US markets. Curious what you get for $38; story explains their model also includes bundled services including ISP… and they...