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Openness and the Age of Networked Intelligence

In this TED presentation, Don Tapscott looks at the role of Openness: Collaboration, Transparency, Sharing and Empowerment & Freedom as the foundation of the Age of Networked Intelligence. I have been using the term “the Network Connected World”, but...

NM Distance Learning Plan

From In partnership with Education360 and Innovate+Educate, Senator Linda M. Lopez has introduced SB 377, which calls for the creation of a statewide Digital Learning Task Force charged with developing a comprehensive Digital Learning Plan for New...

Interactive Transcriptions

Transcription of the audio component of a video stream is an important function in making the content more accessible and usable.  In addition to opening the content to those who me be audio impaired (critical for certain government funded projects), it provides the...

Lean Startup in Education Gary posted this: Watch the 12 minute segment starting an minute 45. John replied: BTW, there is a slider in the video progression bar in the video player window, that will allow one to select exactly what place to start viewing… in this...