by andflywrite | Mar 30, 2012 | BEST LINKS EVER…arge-more-for-top-courses.html NYT article on community colleges lacking funding to meet needs of students they are “supposed” to serve. Needed classes are not offered with sufficient space for the number of students who want to take...
by andflywrite | Mar 12, 2012 | BEST LINKS EVER…y-off-schools-banned-list.html Schools across the country commonly block access to YouTube, shielding students from the irresistible distractions of, say, the cat in a T-shirt playing a piano, or worse. So in December, Google started YouTube for...
by andflywrite | Mar 12, 2012 | BEST LINKS EVER
Where is content available to “use” for course development?
by andflywrite | Mar 12, 2012 | BEST LINKS EVER…khan-academy-ipad Guess this is “state of the art”
by andflywrite | Mar 11, 2012 | BEST LINKS EVER…FrontPage RETA’s pb wiki…with a lot of their stuff accessible on one page. A good resource to update now and then