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Higher Ed retention rates

Eduventures is out with their annual report on Higher Ed retention rates. They call it “Student Success Ratings”. Their MO includes a number of presumptions and assumptions about what should be counted, and what “expectations of retention”...

70 Top Sources of Free eLearning Courses

One knows that the field has grown quite broad when there is a curated list of this number of sources. Clearly there is a need for an advanced search function to be able to locate specific content across the multitude of sites and platforms.

Video in the University

MOOCs may or may not be gaining wide-spread acceptance in universities, but lecture capture sure is. According to this Campus Technology article, the University of Leeds expects to record 50,000 hours of lectures a year!  Now that is a lot of talk!

A Platform for Globall Free Learning Content

Though the group might be interested in this message I received from a fellow Carnegie-Mellon Alum: My name is Yush, and I graduated from CMU 2010, where I studied Electrical and Computer Engineering. I’ve been working on an initiative whose mission is to make a...