by andflywrite | Jul 22, 2013 | BEST LINKS EVER
Inside Higher Ed had this article on suspension of certain Udacity courses being offered at San Jose State. Also mentions edX project at SJS. If nothing else, it gives some “talking points” to those who would like to derail, or dramatically slow adoption...
by andflywrite | Jul 3, 2013 | BEST LINKS EVER
While it seems clear that the old model of instruction for college students is undergoing significant change in the communication revolution underway, there’s another huge part of most universities: the research that depends on outside funding and inside...
by andflywrite | May 30, 2013 | BEST LINKS EVER
Article in USA Today on latest expansion of Coursera into higher ed realms. Seems they are clearly continuing to push into the “new frontier”, probably faster and farther than any other MOOC startup. (link from Liz Brown)
by andflywrite | May 15, 2013 | BEST LINKS EVER
NMSU OCIP Advisory Board The advisory board meets quarterly to provide guidance and review the status of the program. One representative from each of the following organizations serves on the board: Student Technology Advisory Council Faculty Advisory Committee for...
by andflywrite | May 13, 2013 | BEST LINKS EVER
Is College Moving Online? As noted previously, not the first or last word on the crises in higher ed, and “revolution” in learning. But as we as society come to grip with the changes, public opinion, such as engendered by various writers and articles and...