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Why soft skills are soft

Story in Time about Pentagon efforts to address mental health deterioration in combat veterans. Apparently it has now been determined, the more combat one experiences, the less mentally healthful one is. Unsurprisingly perhaps. This is relevant to PSA in a number of...

American HS is for “socializing”: Slate

It’s not just No Child Left Behind or Race to the Top that has failed our adolescents—it’s every single thing we have tried. ~Laurence Steinberg Gist of yet another screaming “American educational system disaster story” is that we need to get a lot better...

Emotions in Lean Canvas

An article by Ekonomia, startup consultants/ support entity, on adding in certain aspects sometimes overlooked in a Lean Canvas model. Kudos to Gary. How many of us are into the business building for the money alone? I know that I want many other things. Success,...

NAMI as Cloud Service example

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) , a grassroots group with a fair amount of government support, and a group that is deeply involved nationally in returning veterans issues and programs, is a candidate for a type of cloud based DLE that helps families and...

Can Emotional Intelligence Be Taught?

NYTimes story on one of those “holistic” educational perspectives, which includes “emotional intelligence”. As we have been discussing, the “best” DLE incorporates all the aspects of being that support and enable learning. This is...