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How connectionist theories inform learning practices: ChatGPT

Asking good follow up questions is really what the LLMs are all about, and now one notices that ChatGPT prompts for a follow up when it gives an answer to a query. One is well advised to  follow up as deep as one desires to go, as there's a great deal more content and knowledge available if one...

Connectionism and Learning Theory: Core Ideas: ChatGPT

Kris recently posted a video done by ChatGPT that discussed Connectionism and Learning. As an experiment, I sort of re-uploaded from a copy on my hard drive...that same video to ChatGPT and asked for a full analysis and a text file of the audio. It was able to produce key frames at various points...

Connectionist models on online learning platforms

The following is an AI video showing how AI can integrate a connectionist model of learning on online learning platforms to further personalize educational experiences for students. The video was generated by ChatGPT. [video width="1080" height="1920"...

Alternatives to public school closures

Danny Westneat addresses the financial challenges facing Seattle Public Schools in a Seattle Times opinion. [pdf-embedder url="" title="The way out of this...

AI applications in clinical research: STAT

STAT, one of the web's most comprehensive and reliable reporters of medical news, just published a free eBook about the current state of AI in healthcare. This is a topic of great interest to PSA, as the advent of less expensive and perhaps even higher quality diagnosis at home would be a huge...

Kurzweil: AI to the rescue of our humanity: MIT Tech Review

Technology will let us fully realize our humanity. –Ray Kurzweil from his recent book "The Singularity is Nearer: When we Merge with AI." Yes this headline above sounds like an ultra- contradiction in terms, to the point of being a humorous one liner. But Ray Kurzweil has his reasons for making...

High-impact tutoring in schools as a permanent fixture to help bridge learning gaps exacerbated by the pandemic

The subject of the following article is about how DC schools are getting kids to class by offering tutoring. The article is from the Christian Science Monitor, and is listed under a values filter called Transformations....

Niels Hoven on accelerating kids’ education

Here's the transcript of an interview with Mentava founder Niels Hoven, conducted and posted by James Pethokoukis, and taken from the Podcast "Faster, Please". Kudos to Gary for the link recommend. Thankfully there's an examination of what the real functions of school are, as we currently conceive...

“AI” in Divi Web Builder

As with many web services, the label "AI" is being attached to many functions with the website builder software we use..."Divi Builder". Here's what their promo page currently looks like, though we can expect much more along the same lines in the future with better capabilities and functions. AI...

AI / GPU hosting to disrupt WordPress

Webpage creating, hosting, and maintaining has been a relatively static undertaking for at least a decade or so, if not longer. However, there are new ways of curating and presenting content arriving through various forms of AI and GPU hosting. This article below is from the Wordfence creator Mark...

MIT Innovators Under 35 for 2024

As has been noted by some, this current period of innovation occurs within a new emphasis on zero-sum competition between countries for tech advances. Tech competition is nothing new, but the emphasis on "us vs them" seems greatly heightened since the release of LLM style AI tools. Many leaders at...

The Pizza Principle, part 3

Kris queried ChatGPT further on how the Pizza Principal theme might work as a model for the PSA website interface. This is what ChatGPT provided. Kudos to Kris. To conceptualize the DALL elements as parts of a “pizza,” where the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, you can imagine each...

The Pizza Principle, part2

Kris pushed ahead with The Pizza Principle asking how we might use it to develop our PSA website: Here's the answer Kris received from her "prompt" "Creating this interactive pizza concept on the PSA website will require collaboration between designers, developers, content creators, and UX...

The Pizza Principle, part 1

PSA may well do a new website constructed from the ground up to support all manner of AI operations and functions for visitors to the site. One where numerous ingredients coalesce into a whole thing that is consumed as a whole, but chomped into by the Interface slice.. While we can pretty much...

PSA website is back up as of today Aug.28 2024

For various reasons the PSA website was inaccessible from early 2024 until today, and we are so happy to be back! We may still have some technical issues to resolve from the restore, or maybe everything will just work correctly. So we'll run some tests, and if you encounter something not working...

AI tools to access full public content in education

Recent PSA postings ask questions about how to use ChatGPT tools for a single purpose such as education? Answers to this question now supposedly come directly from ChatGPT using data up to 2023. Bill Gates, in a recent blog, shares specific examples of how to use and train a chatbot in a...

Universal Models and AI

We are suddenly trying to fully rationalize our experience in order to understand AI implications, but we don't have any actual means of fully rationalizing human experience available. (essence of what B. Evans stated in recent post). We don't understand our own brain/ mind duality, and we don't...

B. Evans on AI rules and regs

"AI is whatever hasn't been done yet." - Larry Tesler Laws for AI by Benedict Evans (excerpted) “The term “artificial intelligence” or “AI” has the meaning set forth in 15 U.S.C. 9401(3): a machine-based system that can, for a given set of human-defined objectives, make predictions,...

Tutored by Teachers: Virtual Learning Program used in Las Cruces Public Schools

Principal Cherie Love said students in the Tutored by Teachers program are usually at 5% to 10% proficiency at the start of the school year and end with 41% proficiency. Love said while the school would like to see more improvement, “it’s significant growth in a short period of time.” It would...

OMB Releases Implementation Guidance for Biden’s AI Exec Order

As the United States takes action to realize the tremendous promise of AI while managing its risks, the federal government will lead by example and provide a model for the responsible use of the technology. [pdf-embedder...

What’s in Biden’s AI Exec. Order — and what’s not: Axios

The Biden Administration has released a very lengthy Executive Order covering multiple aspects of the current boom in AI. It addresses many parts of the Federal Government's policy, rules, and regulations for what can and cannot be done by AI businesses and NGOs.   [pdf-embedder...

Home schooling’s rise from fringe to fastest-growing form of education: AI Tutoring May Aid further growth.

Home schooling has become — by a wide margin — America’s fastest-growing form of education, as families from Upper Manhattan to Eastern Kentucky embrace a largely unregulated practice once confined to the ideological fringe, a Washington Post analysis shows.   Washington Post Data Graph:...

The Foundation Model AI Transparency Index

No major foundation model developer is close to providing adequate transparency, revealing a fundamental lack of transparency in the AI industry.   AS we transition from the "Wow!" AI stage to the devil in the details, various ways of holding AI developers accountable are arriving too. Here's...

More states teaching financial literacy to address sluggish math scores

This article by an education reporting collaborative promotes hopes to promote engagement with the public regarding education policy changes. Sluggish growth in math scores for U.S. students began long before the pandemic, but the problem has snowballed into an education crisis. This...

Government funding of basic and applied research

Steve Blank is recognized as a thought leader in the field of entrepreneurship and in this newsletter he contributes thoughts on the history of US government investments in funding research driven by the needs of the military. The U.S. has spent the last 70 years making massive investments in...

Unbundling AI ChatGPT and LLMs

Benedict Evans a well known analyst in the technology industry shares his insight in this newsletter on what you can you do with AI ChatGPT and LLMs. [pdf-embedder url="—-Benedict-Evans.pdf" title="Unbundling AI — Benedict...

Who Runs the Best U.S. Schools?

The big idea for having charter schools was to show how things could be done differently, and to see what  changes brought better results. Here below is one example, that brings into question just how the US Public School System fails in comparison to how the US Dept of Defense schools succeed....

Google announces Health Care “Vertex” AI Search platform

One of the ways AI can help humans is to aggregate and amass far more details and data, (IOW information), than a single human can hold in mind at any one time. After AI goes and finds all the relevant data in seconds, it can then search and find the most useful pieces for a specific moment such...

Smorgesbord Schools: Routing Around in the Year of living dangerously with AI

As Autonomous AI Agents are developed, educational modalities will be something assembled from a varied menu of agents, somewhat like one piles cuisine on a plate at a Smorgesbord buffet. A little of this, a little of that, and pretty soon there's a meal to be had. Because Education as we...

22+ Examples of ChatGPT Vision uses

The competition ongoing for who can offer the most useful AI the fastest continues apace with OpenAI incorporation of DALL-E 3 Image AI into ChatGPT4. The YouTube below spells out 22 examples of what can be done with image analysis, a few of which he says explicitly are tools for education. IOW,...

Envisioning Ed in 2025

It seems like perhaps a good time to revisit visions of what education possibly will look like in, say, 2 years or so. If we want to achieve a goal, it helps to envision it first to guide the process. Here's what ChatGPT 'thinks" when queried about 2025, including admin prompts about re-designing...

7 Core Elements Enhanced with AI for Community Schools

Asked ChatGPT4 to regenerate the 7 Core Elements with AI in the context of "Community Schools". Which it then produced the table of content below. Core Elements Original Focus with AI Community School Focus with AI AI in Community Schools as Venue/Base Understanding Media in the Mobile Age Analyze...

GPT and 7 Core Elements Projection

  Current Core Elements of DLE Projected Core Elements with AI Integration 1. Understanding Media in the Mobile Age 1. AI-Powered Media Analysis & Personalization 2. Enabling the Individual Learner 2. AI-Driven Personalized Learning Paths 3. Creating the Learning Community 3. Virtual...

Autonomous AI Agents: Tools of choice for AI transformation?

Much of the challenge for "grasping the AI revolution" comes from being unable to imagine what it might look like writ large in our economy. There seems to be a consensus developing that Autonomous AI Agents will be the structure for this transformation. Essentially, these are assembled units of...

Continuing AI Education: Generative Pre-trained Transformer

Much of the current AI advance seems to have arrived out of nowhere. Not so; it was a series of advances steadily taking place over decades. The article below from MIT Technology Review sketches the significant steps along the way. Perhaps knowing the past we might get some sense of what we are in...

ChatGPT on coping with employment change brought about through AI advances

Here's copy and paste of a query to ChatGPT4 on what we can do about the expected unemployment of knowledge workers that AI will bring. Kudos to Gary for the VAT idea. One would probably seek to drill down and get more details on this outline of possible steps to take, as the devil is usually in...

“Precog” for AI, Galatea 2.2

Another very prescient writer, Gary Powers, penned Galatea 2.2 in 1995. It explored the theory of machine learning, and the issues that arise when a sentient AI comes into being. That's almost 30 years ago now. The take away being that yes, we face dramatic change and much is unknown, yet human...

“Precog” visionaries of AI and the Human imagination

One of the values of artistic creation sometimes present is the visionary element, where we get a chance to experience what might take place in the future. Certainly we have already read and watched and played video games covering a full spectrum of what the future might look like with the...

Better, Faster, Cheaper, Smarter

The rise of thinking machines does warrant concern if we anthropomorphize AI as a competitor to humankind. But if embraced as tools amplifying human abilities and liberating us from repetitive tasks, advanced AI systems can unleash new realms of economic dynamism, scientific discovery, and...

“Solving problems by design competence instead of by political reform”: Buckminster Fuller

There have been a number of salient perspectives proposed for educational innovation, some very fresh based on AI innovation, and others decades older based on exceptional visionary skills and capabilities, such as in this case, what Buckminster Fuller was saying back in 1962. One might also cite...

Virtual School routing around conventional ed systems

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”~ Buckminister Fuller There's a continuing push and pull between interests that want to confine "public educational financing" to public schools, and interests...

Teaching with AI: OpenAI Guides and Resources

We’re releasing a guide for teachers using ChatGPT in their classroom—including suggested prompts, an explanation of how ChatGPT works and its limitations, the efficacy of AI detectors, and bias. Resources published online by OpenAI about using their tools for teaching are available here. And...

Teachers thousands of miles away to teach students remotely: EdSurge

That teachers can be remote too isn't frequently noted, but of course, that happened frequently during the pandemic when both students and teachers were connecting from home; just not the same home. As a model for the physical space being much less important, remote teaching and learning still...

Mary Helen Immordino-Yang: Utilizing Neuroscience in Education

Mary Helen Immordino-Yang may seem like 4 or more people given all the hats she wears related to neuroscience and learning. Among other funded work, Immordino-Yang has a cross-cultural, longitudinal NSF CAREER study investigating adolescent brain and social-emotional development, and relations to...

Keeping up with AI links

As the progression and development of AI continues apace, we need all the help we can get to keep up. Below are 2 tried and true examples of YouTube "latest AI news" channels that post once or more per week. There are other additional channels out there. If it seems like there's more than any one...

Essentials for Community Schools Transformation

Lynn Middle School referenced in the Brookings article below was the first community school in Las Cruces NM, and it’s located amidst some of the most hardcore poverty in the city…nearby gun play is common place. Zia School, the dental service link in the story, is more rural, over near the town...

Future of generative AI models

Coursera is offering an AI mini-course through Institute for the Future called called Three Horizons. Looking at the upcoming class schedule, the course seems popular as August classes are already full. The next available class is in October. This course will help you make sense of this rapidly...

AI changing way people work and work people do

PSA postings continue to ask questions about generative ChatGPT and other AI initiatives in organizational Learning and Development (LD). How will AI change the way people work and the work people do in the next few years? Here is the latest annual McKinsey Global survey conducted in April 2023 as...

AI + HI (Human Intelligence) for Learning: Eliot Masie

A lot has changed in the world of Eliot Masie's huge annual Learning Trends seminar/ conferences. They were canceled during peak Covid years, as were most in-person large gatherings. Here's some PR about the latest conference now planned which clearly is attempting to respond to the challenge of...

Mamacitas Ciberneticas and Broadband Promotores

Mamacitaas Ciberneticas seems like a great idea similar perhaps to the Promotores' idea of seeding colonias with trained cadre that the local population knows and trusts. [pdf-embedder...

Community College Students = 20% now in High School.

The challenge of who does remedial work for students, and when it is done, exists in our hierarchical grade system of education. Each part of the system wants students that are ready to enter the hierarchy at the appropriate level, but that only happens with a certain % of students who for...

Newell, Simon, Hofstadter, Wolfram; plus Deep Learning: by ChatGPT4

Allen Newell and Herbert A. Simon, as well as Douglas Hofstadter and Stephen Wolfram, are all renowned figures in the field of cognitive science, artificial intelligence, and computational theory. However, their ideas and approaches to these fields differ significantly. Perhaps some greater...

Altman ChatGPT Odyssey: Atlantic

Altman believes that people need time to reckon with the idea that we may soon share Earth with a powerful new intelligence, before it remakes everything from work to human relationships. ChatGPT was a way of serving notice.       Do we want/need 42 pages about how Sam Altman led...

ChatGPT’s Code Interpreter (And Other AI Initiatives) Could Revolutionize Education: EdTech Insiders

"Code Interpreter" sounds wonky, true enough. It's just one of the new AI plugins which are adding new capabilities to ChatGPT and other similar AI daily. It's not unusual, for example, to discover that Google has released multiple plugins and added features to their generative AI versions all on...

Douglas Hofstadter and his change(s) of heart/ mind on AI

“It’s a very traumatic experience when some of your most core beliefs about the world start collapsing. And especially when you think that human beings are soon going to be eclipsed.” ~Hofstadter (Gödel Escher Bach author).   Brooks, the NYT opinion columnist, has a recent article (below)...

FCC award will help advocates enroll residents in $30 per-month subsidy (update)

Eric Pearson, president and CEO of the El Paso Community Foundation, said the coalition has found that the percentage of residents without adequate internet access is much greater than what is recorded in FCC data. The recently announced $300K grant goes to Borderplex Connect, which is under the...

AI support for teaching: WaPo

In the months after ChatGPT was released in late 2022, K-12 teachers began to discover its potential to produce rubrics, lesson plans, quizzes, classroom management strategies, step-by-step answers to math problems and more. Yet another in an ongoing series of "what AI can do for teaching and...

150 “Extra Engineers”: AI and jobs that currently don’t exist.

Younger people may not believe this but before spreadsheets investment bankers worked really long hours. It's only thanks to Excel that Goldman Sachs associates can get everything done and leave the office at 3pm on Fridays. Now LLMs mean they'll only have to work one day a week! ~ Benedict Evans...

Online for All campaign

The Online for All campaign launched with the Affordable Connectivity Program. The ACP, a pandemic relief measure, grants up to $30 per-month to families toward their internet costs. For tribal members, the subsidy is up to $75 per month.   New Mexico has the seventh-best enrollment in the...

Cambrian Explosion Of AI EdTech tools

Edtech tools that marry AI advances with education are having a J curve moment. Somebody called it a Cambrian Explosion as in the epoch when a zillion new organisms arose on Earth. Kind of fits as startup AI/ Education tools are burgeoning much faster than anyone can keep track of. Here's an...

Apple’s Vision Pro: Benedict Evans take

I think the price and the challenge of category creation are tightly connected. Apple has decided that the capabilities of the Vision Pro are the minimum viable product - that it just isn’t worth making or selling a device without a screen so good you can’t see the pixels, pass-through where you...

Khanmigo AI Tutorbot used at Khan Academy

We are in the early stages of the commentariat opinion-ating whether new AI tech will be a boon for learning, or a doom machine. Generally as this article from the NYTimes notes, EdTech has had a bumpy ride in school systems in the US, often because the tech isn't fully developed and/or the school...

AI and humans in the AI age

In this edition of Author Talks, McKinsey Global Publishing’s Raju Narisetti chats with Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic about his new book, I, Human: AI, Automation, and the Quest to Reclaim What Makes Us Unique (Harvard Business Review Press, February 2023). Chamorro-Premuzic explains why some AI...

ChatGPT Cheat Sheet

      Kudos to Gary for the idea...

B. Evans Annual Presentation slide deck: “The New Gatekeepers”

Benedict Evans, the Tech "expert" who strives to ask the "right questions" about  current and future technology trends and realities, has produced his annual report called "The New Gatekeepers"...104 slides long. Worth the slog usually, Here's the link to the presentation: But one might have to be...

AI Doomerville push back

As the world tries to play catchup to the current rapid developments in AI, there are those cheering it on, and those with serious concerns about where "AI" may take us. Or put another way, concerns of where we might take AI. The trite and perhaps safe response to rapid technological change can be...

ChatGPT4: AI as human capability replacement?

PSA PROMPT: Imagine a country like the United States in twenty years time from today. Imagine that the developers of an education system might have been given a carte blanch to redo the entirety of eduction means and practice. What would that look like, given current trends in AI advancement, in...

Can ChatGPT imagine future educational unknowns?

PSA PROMPT : Can you imagine educational practices possible in the future that humans do not know about today? Can you give examples? In other words, can you extrapolate entirely new thoughts from your training? Can you imagine things not in the human knowledge base by reasoning or intuition or...

Chat GPT4 rethinks education and schooling for us

PSA PROMPT: List the forms of learning that are, or will soon be, obsolete, and what forms should replace them. For example, will we still use school buildings when learning can happen anywhere a mobile device can be, including at home? Can we reorganize how we use school space, and rethink the...

MIT Tech Review 2023 Education Issue

MIT Technology Review magazine has published their 92 page  May/ June 2023 Education Issue here. A subscription is needed to access the document online or a print copy. There are ads. (PSA is a MIT Tech Review subscriber, and our copy is viewable here.)    

Professional Futurists

Over the last decade, PSA has been focused on "capturing the learning imagination" by scanning the "signals" of change by posting over a thousand links in our searchable database. Here is how professional Futurists think about the future in this report from the Futurist Imagination Retreat....

future foresight tools

The Institute for the Future shares its tools and strategies in a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course). The course is called "Futures Thinking" and is offered by Coursera. With the help of tools and strategies for "futures thinking" the intention is students in the course will imagine a future that...

Future states of mind

Here is a game for helping people see where they stand when thinking about the future collectively. Are people as a group fearful, optimistic? Do they have ideas for actions they can take today to make a better future? On a spectrum of "worse to better" and "powerless to powerful", this game is a...

Looking at the past to see the “future of work”

The Institute for the future started in 1968 as a Silicon Valley based research and learning group to build understanding of "Futures Thinking". The practice of "futures thinking" helps build foresight by "looking back at where we were to see where we are going". Alvin Toffler the "futurist" and...