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  • mkris on 30 Oct 12
    Quick, easy way to share curated news with a community.
  • gary575 on 31 Oct 12
    Kris – I see you are using (or at least experimenting with) Scoop.ti, Hootasuite and ????. What advice can you offer? Getting content into Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, a Blog and then PSA and a few others is too much. Seeing you try, I signed into Hootsuite and, but am unsure wheter to make an investment.
  • nmkris on 31 Oct 12
    Gary-I seldom pay for tools, mainly just trying things out. I am paying “Pro” for Hootsuite ($9.99/mo.). It seems to have the best hope of reaching all my social media from one site at one time. Also, the site does offers other features that seem useful if I would take time to figure them out-analytics, scheduling posts

    So far, my strategy is to create a blog post on Blogger.
    Identify a good link and scoop it to -export the HTML to my blog- a clean look for my post
    Add my blog post as a message on Hootsuite-choose my social media including groups in Linkedin-post to all at one time.
    Then, I check all my devices to see if the posts came through-iphone, ipad, mac
    I also check my husbands devices to see if he gets the posts.

    Everything seems to go through fine using this strategy.

  • John Griffith on 01 Nov 12
    Kris, how does your strategy relate to Diigo PSA…is it in the above described loop? (are Google Plus PSA, and Facebook PSA group in the loop?) Sorry if I’m clueless… I’m humbled trying to keep up with everywhere you are these days… which is I guess a fundamental quality of cloud presence…it’s distributed. Been noticing a sort of paradox from early days of watching Julia Parra populate a series of social media sites…sometimes it was hard to find where she was… Sort of like the more she was present online, the harder she was to “find”… that’s distribution for you I guess. Not sure if that problem has been solved yet, or can be solved, although there’s a lot of attempts to provide a one stop central station to which all trains must go.
  • gary575 on 01 Nov 12
    There is a clear trade-off (assuming limited resource) between the time expended in creating quality content and the time spent in distribution. Thar is why I struggle with the multiplicity of platforms – I just want to do things once and easily share what I feel has value. I am not happy with any of the current “solutions”, including Diigo.
  • nmkris on 01 Nov 12
    John-Yes, my posts from Hootsuite go to the PSA facebook groups and PSA google groups. I’m trying to use a distribution system (Hootsuite) that will reach my audience based on their social media site of choice. I can always choose which groups to post to with a particular message. Right now, I’m more into just experimenting to see how well the posts work on the various social media sites.

    Gary-IMO, I use Diigo as a stopping point for links that I may want to use for distribution later. I don’t see Diigo as a platform for distribution.