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  • nmkris on 16 Nov 12
    Seems to be a mix of NM First facilitation with a game format.  Next step…game online?
  • John Griffith on 17 Nov 12
    Yes, I thought of NMFirst too! Then I thought of Mary Carter Day…and as you say, a good model for a sort of immersive ice breaking role playing social game that could be translated somehow into a online version, and accomplish a number of our collaborative and assessment goals etc… excellent catch Kris!
  • nmkris on 17 Nov 12
    It seems like a way to model to our focus group something they already understand…a real time game. Then, show how our value propositions could be translated into an online game…time slices, social learning and collaboration, individualized learning plan.
  • John Griffith on 17 Nov 12
    I think you’re on to something…fits in there somewhere.