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Gary and I skyped today re various issues for quite a while.

He’s missing row two also, and making him an admin didn’t help either. However Gary found some keyboard shortcuts that worked for him. The very last TinyMCE button with the question mark brings up help…and in that help there’s a windowpane for “Shortcuts”.

Turns out there’s a keyboard shortcut for bringing up the “Link Chain” popup window. It’s : Alt/ Shift/ a

Try it and see if that works for you. Type in your link first. I’m sending a tech support question to the plugin author today.

Also Gary says we need to have a group presence at Linked In. I thought it would be great if you “headed that up” for us, and I can help you if you want. I think you already created a group, maybe we need to add something to it?? Do you have a link to share access to that group, if it exists?

Didn’t get to the Keynote file support today, but am going to work on plugins for slide shows a bit.

Gary is taking the Learning Creative Learning course, which I haven’t gone to as yet. He says they are using Huddle to share realtime video conferencing (Skype ish)…which is a google thing, he says, and free.