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While attending an event in El Paso last night, I was visiting with the Creative Services Director from KFOX, Candice MacBlain.  Turns out that Candice’s first job was with Barbara Chamberlin at the media lab.  Candice thinks very highly of both Barbara, Jeanne Gleason, and the creative media program at NMSU.  I was asking who else we might talk to and she said we had found the right people.

I was explaining our challenge, using video on our website.  Since Candice does this kind of work daily, we may want to seek her advice… avoiding looking for the “kitchen sink” for a week.

Candice is willing to help with advice, and maybe contract work later.  Candice very quickly explained to me what we needed to do to make our video work on the home page and on mobile media.  I would be happy to email her with any questions you may have as you work on the home page promotional video as well as content videos.