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And finally on the making current of reposts for today, there’s this from July 21 2012….

…..back when Coursera was news just because it existed…not because it had just gotten an arrangement whereby some students at some colleges would be getting actual academic credit “if Coursera tightened up on the cheating factor”… that’s last weeks posts iirc.

One of the online consortium providing FREE online courses. News this week about this in other links here. Implications enormous…

John Griffith on 21 Jul 12

Princeton, Stanford, Duke, Illinois, Michigan, Toronto, Johns Hopkins, and then there’s this additional university from Switzerland…The École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, one of the two Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology and is located in Lausanne, Switzerland.

hey, where’s the Sorbonne? Oxford or Cambridge from the poorest pocket in El Paso via Digital El Paso, or your computer lab at LaFey?

IIRC, in England, you don’t get your degree by showing up for classes and getting grades, at least at Oxford and Cambridge you get it by some sort of exam system. Could one read for a degree there from one’s iPad at any old internet cafe in the slums of any 3rd world locale?

How far is this going to go? Well, clearly, this is just the beginning, no?