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In a global world, it seems like everything is :massive”.

I found this article on disrupting the Video industry to be an eye opener for a “tech savvy boomer”.  At first it just plain made me feel old when I considered all the moving pieces that are seeming passing me by, but then, after an AHA moment, I felt a sense of challenge to better grasp how the pieces are coming together to create a wold that is diverging from my past.

I watch an occasional YouTube video (TED, etc.), dabble with Twitter (@G2G), etc. but they do not occupy a big part of my day.

Like everyone in the world (almost literally) , I am aware of Gangnam Style and since I watch Comedy Central, I have heard/seen Harlem Shake, but I am not attuned to pop culture.

I know that every kid loves video games, but had no clue what a MMOG was and definitely have never tried out World of Warfare.

There is no mention of MOOC; I suspect the author would view it more as “social” than participatory.  Is the future of education/learning more going to be MMOC??