In a global world, it seems like everything is :massive”.
I found this article on disrupting the Video industry to be an eye opener for a “tech savvy boomer”. At first it just plain made me feel old when I considered all the moving pieces that are seeming passing me by, but then, after an AHA moment, I felt a sense of challenge to better grasp how the pieces are coming together to create a wold that is diverging from my past.
I watch an occasional YouTube video (TED, etc.), dabble with Twitter (@G2G), etc. but they do not occupy a big part of my day.
Like everyone in the world (almost literally) , I am aware of Gangnam Style and since I watch Comedy Central, I have heard/seen Harlem Shake, but I am not attuned to pop culture.
I know that every kid loves video games, but had no clue what a MMOG was and definitely have never tried out World of Warfare.
There is no mention of MOOC; I suspect the author would view it more as “social” than participatory. Is the future of education/learning more going to be MMOC??
Maybe one size of “acronym” doesn’t suit all…but probably the future is a mash of everything people can do with the new communication tools. Whatever we want to call it, participation seems a big part of “the play”.
Going to reach up on the shelf and pull down two core concepts. DLE and SLC. A MOOC has specific learning goals, some knowledge you are supposed to walk away with in your “possession” by the “end”. So it’s a defined learning experience, whereas, other learning experiences such as MMOC are less defined and have few if any specified “goals” for take away.
SLC, social learning construct, is the collaborative environment that if done well can allow all to participate in some way, even if only a “micro” sized contribution, like a link. MOOC are trying to develop SLC, and students do like to do stuff with video…and would do more of that if the platform supported it better. Still have bandwidth and cost limitations there. But not forever.
So yes, learning will include DLE, where someone designs the experience and that design dominates what “happens”, and learning will include less or undefined learning experiences where a core group finds things of interest and starts exploring together, and it might then become massive.
Our language is good with some things, but not so good at talking about multiple connections. Sometimes that conversation ends up being an algorithm, using math etc. Or a infographic….Which is why we like mind maps to “show” the connections between things that we have a hard time talking about.
One more thing:
This reminds me of various speculation in earlier days when the medium was just text. Something called MUDD? Multiple User Dungeons & Dragons. Or the multiple user narrative construction… there was speculation that “narrative” would become collaborative…somehow. That’s a related thread…we make meaning as a culture, as a group, but we also depend on some process to create the narrative that we can “agree on”…