Today, 10,000 Baby Boomers retired in the U.S. On average, they have 35 years of experience each, across every type of job in your organization. Tomorrow, it happens again. And the day after, until 2030. That means every day, 3.5 million years of experience just left the workforce, an unprecedented departure in business history.
This is the gold to mine for those who have capabilities, time, and for some, motivation to contribute part of their retirement years to a worthy cause without much or any “recompense”. We at PSA already know this, and wish to connect with those to whom the offer of meaningful but part-time work/play ,and a chance to still “make a difference”, is recognized for what it is:
A lifeline to more fully realized senior years than may be available elsewhere. This is going to be big, we can safely predict, with the tens of millions of people involved.