Trying out using the TinyMCE buttons to insert video into a post. Used the “forward” or “play” button in red on the bottom row, right next to the YouTube button, and just pasted in the URL from the YouTube video page into the box in the popup window.
NOT the embed code. I chose 640 width, and the newer frame insert style. It’s just a tad too wide for our website theme, hanging over on the right by about 10 pixels or so.
Supposedly this done by Erik Qualman himself by himself with a video camera. Although the person in the video seems to introduce himself as someone else. YouTube says it’s done by Erik. Whoever it is, makes a nice contract with the Social Media 2013 video Kris posted. Appropriately enough, a negative contrast… no impact. Negative impact. Unless you are really hungry to see some snow.
This is the link to Erik Qualman YouTube video page: