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Need a favor Kris.

Alas, in my fog of website work, I’m noticing that I didn’t really check out fully the materials you already created on Dynamic Learning Plan that are now located in PSA Kitchen Menu, under Trials. There’s the Keynote in PDF file format, and the Word Doc in HTML as well as in Docx.  Lots of  good stuff in there, and I need to really study it which I abashedly haven’t yet.

I think I got distracted by the whole issue of what file formats we would/could support on our site and how we would do that, rather than studying your work itself. My apologies…as I certainly can’t give any “notes” on something I haven’t studied.

And I’m actually still working on that issue of what’s the best way to support a Keynote to get it to open either embedded in our PSA web pages, or opening in a new window where the slideshow is active in either Keynote file format, or if necessary PPT.

To aid me in that work, would you see if you have the Dynamic Learning Plan keynote  in it’s original .key file format? If so, can you send it to me via email, or DropBox? I want to open it on my desktop in the Keynote app, and explore how to embed it onto our webpage and/or open in new window that’s an active Keynote slide player, and or get it to work on Slideshare that we would then embed into our webpage.

(also hoping to get a Word Doc to open directly in a new window rather than downloading to our computer)

(Slideshare previously supported keynote file formats natively, then recently were having an issue and said they weren’t supporting keynote files natively. We’ll see if that’s really going to get fixed, or not)

TIA Kris.