Prezi has a lot of capability, it turns out. One can also get fairly far by wading in with one’s choice of template and getting a feel, learning by doing, trying things out and seeing what happens if you click here or there….although eventually one gets tired of depending solely on click or miss method. (see links to tutorials below).
- It’s designed for presentations using a more kinetic approach…and supplies that “feeling” to the otherwise static space. See first example at Silos and Pizza page in Value Added…used a template. Customized some.
- Is available in discounted or free versions…if you have a university email address you can get the top level for about $50 a year, and the next level down for free. I signed up with my nmsu email. Non profit also available if one calls.
- Comes also in a desktop version…has meeting capabilities…has iPad and iPhone versions.
- Can import PPT or other presentations, images, media…I’m doing a test now importing some slides from a presentation Kris did…place them anywhere in the prezi…edit, etc.
- Has a fair number of decent templates to get started with.
- Embeddable into our PSA site, and fits the needs for our Value Added Presentions well. We can impart a decent impression of what we know using this tool, without necessarily being totally comprehensive in the details.
- I’m picking up speed with it…slowly but surely. There’s a ton of tutorials and help out there, from a lot of sources. It’s an immersive left and right brain undertaking doing one of but enough work that brain is wrung out after an afternoon or morning doing this…in my experience. OTOH, seems to be just what I was looking for, and can be used in F2F presentations too.
- Learning Prezi is easy (or so Prezi says)
- Manual/ FAQ
- Best Prezi ever
- How to convert a ppt to prezi
- Innovative Prezi tricks
- Prezi vs PPT
- Prezi tips and Tutorial