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This week’s agenda of ongoing website construction emphasizes creation of Prezi for “Value Added”…although other stuff may continue to get incremental upgrades etc.

Home, About, and Contact menu items are in decent shape now, with only Brochure needing to be finished there. IIRC. Please Beta Check those and pass on comments you might have. So are blogs, which leaves Value Added as the focus presently.

What’s good about Prezi… we can present our ideas in a useful “engaging” form without having to have everything totally figured out… and we can edit and adjust as we get smarter or learn more later. Working on them helps us and those we want to partner or collaborate with…. understand “the good value added stuff” better.

Here’s a table of work in progress re Prezi for Value Added, with suggestions on who could potentially be doing what. Gary is invited to play, just for fun, in case he wants to try his hand with Prezi, and has something to contribute in areas where we are needing help. (Third Party services Embed into courses: such as Knewton or Kahn adaptive learning etc, and some appropriate video hosting arrangement.)

You can edit this post later as we progress; we won’t get all of these done right away. Hopes that the top 5 might get done by this time next week.

Using the table: there’s an “Insert Table” TinyMCE button in the second row, with a drop down. To insert text, place your cursor where you want the text to go, and it pretty much will…

One thing I’m going to work on today, is to suggest more Prezi templates here in the table. They make it a lot “easier” to get started.

One last thing…I have the Edu Pro Prezi license, and I think if you make a free Prezi and download it, or somehow get it to me, I can then open it, and upload it, and embed it…if you need/want me to try/do that.

Silos and Pizzas John “The Big Idea” 95%
Amazing Learning Maze John “Find Your Way Out” 25%
Mining Time Slices John/Kris “The Process” 5%
Dynamic Learning Plan Kris TBD x%
UFOS and Promotores John  “Zoom” 1%
Mastering Mysteries Motivation Kris  TBD x%
Social Learning Construct Kris/John  TBD x%
Gamification TBD  TBD x%
Moodle Madness…which LMS/CMS? TBD  TBD x%
3rd Party Embeds (Knewton etc) TBD  TBD x%
Video Hosting Methods TBD  TBD x%
Stuff we know or need to know that we can share: TBD  TBD x%