Admin Not officially back online, but wanted to post these Prezi tips as of today:
1) While Prezi allows low or no cost PUBLIC hosting of one’s own prezi, this is not the model we want to use for our PSA prezi, which have in some cases our best ideas. Instead, we, as with much of other material, want to control access somewhat. While we still want to have Prezi “host” the prezi files for us, and embed them into our PSA website for access, we don’t want our prezi to be “public access” at the Prezi site to anyone who happens to find it there.
2) The model of having a start page with a metaphor for the topic or theme is not really that applicable. Users will spend little time on the frame that contains the whole prezi anyway, and the real action is in the individual frames, and in the path of the frames. So one can more or less just ignore having the right “metaphor” such as a tree, etc. Unless it’s a really short prezi with only a few frames.
3) So, one might best be served by organizing one’s “metaphor” using something like MindJet, or Powerpoint, or simply sketching in a “plan”…and forgetting about a nice template for how the whole prezi looks from zooming way way out.
4) Frames are, AFAIK, “presented” or “shown” in either the ratio of 4:3 (old TV) or 16:9 (HD TV). One can choose to have your frames pre-set to either of those ratios. This might be important to avoid portions of your frames being “cut off”.
5) One can do a lot with “animating” elements inside a particular frame. By animating, they mean at this time, fading in, a new element. Using the order you want elements to appear in the frame, is actually sort of another way of setting up a “path”…
6) One can, if desired, use the background to “move to a new space”, by adding the two extra backgrounds allowed. Backgrounds should be about 2000 x 2000 pixels.
7) The live collaboration seems fitting for something like this, where a little change here, an additional frame there, can be accommodated without starting over from scratch or “ruining” the overall design. We all can use a few more ideas, or feedback on how something is “working”.