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John is working steadily on a large encompassing prezi which is designed to have room to incorporate the smaller prezis we do on various “learning today” subject/theme/topic.

IOW, whatever other prezi are being worked on can be included/incorporated into the larger prezi without being done over from scratch. It has an accommodating graphic structure and a narrative structure as well: kudos to Kris for injecting “narrative” into the forefront of our prezi toolbox conversation.

Sneak preview of narrative: “Rip” Van Winkle has been undergoing some experiments re “learning today”…and awakens among some very curious scientists…and “Rip” has his own questions re learning today.

Rip checks out his “Wikipedia” entry, ponders Bloom’s Taxonomy, explores learning motivation, time slices, DLP, SLC, Silos and Pizzas, gameification, edutainment, etc etc. (“Rip” traditionally is “motivationally challenged” so needs some “help” there…)

So, any “learning today” challenge can be part of Rip’s adventure…

Rip has a sense of humor and also a fair amount of confusion as he tries to understand his new environment. And Learns about Learning as he “goes along” in the prezi.

Will share prelim “Learning Today” prezi at end of the week using PSA sharing acct,  so Kris can have even more productive dreams while off at the wedding. And we can then take up in depth collaboration after that happy event.