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There is an article in the NYT today regarding universities integrating on-line education, focusing on remedial training.

I was struck by the statement:  “Nearly half of all undergraduates in the United States arrive on campus needing remedial work before they can begin regular credit-bearing classes.”

I am sure you education-focused readers are aware of this, but I was taken aback.  What is wrong with K-12 that the need exists?  Just as bad, why do the universities (especially the public funded ones) enroll unqualified students in the first place?

What a waste of resources – and a definite impact on the pathetic college graduation rates.

What happened to the mission of the Community College to bridge the gap  for the students that were motivated but had not mastered the prerequisites?

MOOCs may be a modern day answer (or part of it), but it seems like a hard review of the missions of the various elements of our education system are in  order as well.