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This blog post by Ray Jimenez’ shares his reflections on Stories and Scenarios in eLearning, Experience-Based Learning Systems.

E-learning such as an PSA DLE can focus on the “small data” that comes back to the learner to help them to reach personal goals such as improving fitness.  An example, an app for health tracks heart rate.  The user can monitor changes in heart rate while exercising and resting.  The user does not need a facilitator to monitor this activity.  However, the user may need some direction that leads to further information about activities that will improve fitness.  Support for personal goals could come from the SLC integrated into the DLE.

Synthesis. Rapid learning is achieved by putting lessons in micro-scenarios. Instead of serving the ‘whole pie of knowledge’ all at once, serving slices to elearners is also effective. Micro-scenarios prevents information overload and gives learners more capacity to focus and accumulate information.