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AFAIK, this is an actual NSA report on gathering information legally from the internet, that was released by a Freedom Of Information case. Here’s a WIRED article on this report, which is where I “got” the report.

Report is full of things that advertisers are surely using…among a full toolbox of other proprietary means… to “know their targeted audience”; and perhaps the kind of research that DLE creators and hosts need to use to know their students and learners?


The uses and abuses of information gathering is a gigantic debate… but the amount of what is known about each of us, by many entities we know little or nothing about, is already massive. And short of some solar storm that destroys hard drives worldwide…. that horse has long been out of that barn, and isn’t coming back. Everything can be hacked; few, if any, secrets are “safe”.

Adaptive learning is partly based on the idea that one can massively correlate  data points and analyze with algorithms to determine what are “best” options in a learning situation for a specific individual. True, some of this data can be processed usefully without knowing who exactly the individual is; some of it will, for all practical purposes, identify that individual, and the record that is created by the learner’s responses.

The more you know about the person, the better the ability to address individual’s learning style, learning background, pace, motivation, and ability to “fit” into a particular SLC. It is very hard to imagine this kind of information not being connected to an actual person’s name at some point. But if it’s all in the computer, and the computer can identify the user by the matrix of all the data points, perhaps names are going to be superfluous.

Obviously there’s huge implications of being known.

Report cards, transcripts, and teacher’s evaluations already follow one around, and have a role in determining future of individuals; in our new world this is writ large and massively, and will be/ is part of employment decisions and even perhaps dating and marriage, mortgages, insurance, car loans… you name it.

Degrees, certificates, and other public records identifying one as “qualifying” will/ or already/ pale next to all that goes into our “life scores”. (think credit score but with everything part of the “formula”)

Someday we may see a news release where Knewton has partnered with the NSA. Or maybe they already have…