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A recognized VC Mark Suster recently mad a presentation to a London tech group on the emergence of the Sharing Economy or Collaborative Consumption.

This is one of the major ongoing global technological/business trends which has at least 15 years under its belt (think eBay as an early example) and has major long-term implications for society as a whole.

While on the surface, this is only tangentially related to education (Udacity is mentioned), there is much for PSA to consider in the content.  A few soundbites:

  • Successful disruptive endeavors succeed by competing (at least initially) against “non-consumption” by offering dramatically lower price or cost of access.  Then, as the quality improves, it also displaces the incumbents.
  • Current U.S. Universities are a form of protectionism for the upper class and the transparency of the web will make that fact much more unacceptable.
  • In 4 years, 70% of the literate world will have smart phones.
  • When Government cannot take proper care of the people, the people will take care of themselves.  Openness brings awareness of disenfranchisement.
  • Seniors are an immense untapped resource.

You can view Mark’s blog entry here and/or watch the 20 minute video here.