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Holly Rae Bemis-Schurtz is offering a workshop with Sloan -C for $269.  Why does it cost so much for professional development?

“November 1-8 you are cordially invited to join me for this workshop! 🙂 Learn how to teach with infographics and explore the possibilities for creating a story with your data.”

PSA can offer a similar professional development experience without the cost.  We can create and scaffold  a playlist using infographic curriculum shared by our colleague, Elizabeth Brown.  The playlist contains the step by step activities to reach the learning objective….create and use infographics in an online course.  John recently posted on steps for a specific media skill, “vocalization”.

Sounds like Mentormob, identifying an interest and then choosing a step by step play list  to learn more about the interest (topic).   The playlist is sequenced in learning levels.  

While teaching third grade reading, I was always careful to choose reading materials that offered learners opportunities for independent practice and opportunities for instruction.  I assessed the learners and stayed away from frustration level materials.

While adult learners often lack self directed learning skills thanks to our 20th century school system, we can support metacognition…thinking about thinking.  The PSA Personal Learning Plan will help learners choose activities to learn based on appropriate levels.

Discovery learning is great for preschoolers.  Adult learners will benefit from choosing sequenced contextual activities that help them reach competencies that improve their lives without crashing their boat into a real world dock.

I’m curious how PSA can create a game like scenerio that allows learners opportunities for frustration without real world consequences.