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Admin tech workaround tip (temporary until further notice)

There’s some trouble with the TinyMCE Pro plugin.
There’s a conflict or bug in the latest version of it.

I deactivate it. But it sometimes reactivates itself, which is quite a surprise, and there’s no notice when it does it. However, can be worked around.

I’m in touch with the developer who is working on it… we can proceed with the normal limited button set that comes with WP, and we can use the buttons on the top row for media…such as “Add Media” as before, and some of the others which are a little different, but perhaps you can figure out….. until the problem is fixed.

Here’s a reliable work around for now for simply turning text into a weblink. 

In a new post window, just above the text box, over on the right, are two tabs.
“Visual” and “Text”.
Choose Text.

Now, type in the text that you want to turn into a link.
SELECT that text.
Find the third button from the left…which says “link”. click on it. proceed normally from there.


OR, if you find that the “Visual” tab appears to allow you to enter text into the post text window….you can use the “Visual” tab, if you prefer:
Type in the text that you want to turn into a link.
SELECT that text.
Find the button that is now visible that looks like a chain link… proceed normally from there.

Let me know if I can be of further assistance, while we wait for the developer to sort this out…   One reason innovation gets a bad name, is it often brings with it new tech problems… =^)