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Economic theory that structures some portion of capitalist motivation into DLE DIY learning and healthcare.

Innovative ROI where achieving/ attaining competency of self/group has some component of costs avoidance by society as a whole distributed to those involved. IOW present costs sunk into education and healthcare can be “paid back”, (if avoided) to those doing the avoiding… kind of like alternative energy producers at home level “charging back” their avoided costs.

Perhaps this model could be expanded to somehow include DIY productivity of small businesses….some form of distributed rewards that takes into account  “avoided social service costs” that are otherwise “paid” by various kinds of “assistance” from government, which is large numbers for communities as a whole or states as a whole.

And extended to models of DIY childcare and senior care enabled by mobile tools, that avoid present costs…
… media created groups that, empowered by cloud tools, help provide services, and are partly rewarded for doing so by cost avoidance distributions.

Sort of backwards or inverse to our present concept of the way the public service economics should work.
Like most ideas, probably already thought of…but today’s cloud tools might make certain forms of “working together” by DIY grassroots individuals feasible now, or in coming years, that couldn’t be done before.

From each according to their collaborative inputs and achievements, to each according to their cost avoidances.