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Wheeler at FCC announces a do-over on net neutrality rules. One might caution that the devil is in the details, as with most things emanating from our nation’s captitol. The lawyers will be writing and sorting out the fine print, which is where the rubber will meet the road on how this will actually work.

Anecdotally, as I personally contemplate pulling my “triple play” with Comcast, and moving to a more streaming based model…albeit still dependent on Comcast for the internet pipe to my home… I have been noticing what appears to be slowdowns in Netflix streaming as I watch films etc.

Apparently this has been confirmed as something others think is going on across the country: somehow the stream doesn’t quite get all the bandwidth it needs as it goes through all the Comcast server farms, switchers, and nodes. Would FCC be able to track this kind of Anti Net Neutrality down, and enforce rules? Perhaps could ask friends at NSA for some help with checking the internet wiring in the back rooms…