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Ignatia DeWaard shares research on the characteristics of seamless learning for mobile and MOOC learning.  The abstract discusses the the vast area of research needed to understand fluid learning options for optimal learning and training.

The characteristics for seamless learning included in the abstract cover many of the PSA core concepts for online learning:

-coping with abundance of information

-informal learning to keep up in a field

-the mobile learning shift to anytime and anywhere

–combining web based and mobile learning environments

-strengthening the digital context in a physical world-F2F discussion with family, peers, teachers

-switching between devices and contexts using a combination of mobile technology and the need for digital skills to use all the technology available

-adding and sharing learning objects between learners to comment and work on together

-linking prior knowledge to new learning as a state of flux that connects learners, information, and tools at time of learners choosing.  Shifting to a platform where content is created, shared remixed, repurposed, passed along with use of communication for this to take place.

-a ubiquitous learning log that is shared and consumed by the learners helping to build skills for seamless learning and stimulates a life long process of informal learning.