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From the NYTimes weekly magazine, an article that compares and contrasts students at two high schools in NY. One in a upper class neighborhood, and one in a lower class neighborhood. I use the word “class” advisedly here, but for lack of a better term, “class” gets across the idea of social grouping that one is “born into” and that, for all of our egalitarian equal opportunity ideals, obviously still exists and exerts strong influence on what educational opportunities are available to youth.

Mentioned here because we at PSA hope that Ed Tech and cloud tools will change such “determination by class” in the US, and truly bring equal opportunity to all our kids, for very practical reasons, if nothing else. “Universal Education” being seen for most of our history as necessary for our nation to succeed, and certainly the case today. One very strong reason that Ed Tech innovation should be supported by all, including powers that be in educational establishment, teachers unions, status quo of all kinds.