So what is the most effective learning circumstance possible? Enquiring minds want to know.

We have posited that something called Social Learning Construct enables a group of learners to provide effective transitory and “just in time” role playing, where each brings the needed resource of the moment to the group functioning. If you happen to have that resource available, SLC enables the connections for that resource to get to those who need it, right then.

One way to do that is to post to a “Needs Library“, and let the group pick out what parts they can help with. Sort of like crowdsourcing, or Kickstarting, but something that works in every direction within the group, not just one point on the circle getting the help.

Another way to do this might be called “Process Support Partner“. PSP? =^)

When one attempts to activate the whole person, that’s a lot of ongoing process, that includes personal problems and areas of difficulty in each learners life. We can always use a sort of personal trainer for getting our “To Do” list defined and carried out on a day to day basis. A PSP could be sort of assigned within the group, so that everyone had someone else helping with their process on a one to one basis.

Being in a group however, inside of a SLC, means “outside” resources beyond the process pair can be brought in as needed. Another way to look at this is replicating how an effective and successful family supports individual achievement, and how community groups and associations do the same. It takes a village, etc.

A PSP could be sort of a defined role with specific responsibilities and methodology. Maybe a bit like an agreement that might be “entered into” before a specific DLE got underway. Rights, and Responsibilities spelled out and signed on to, ground rules agreed to, and methodology for finding the way beyond constraints enabled.

We’re working on developing these ideas right now as part of T3 YBC. No other link presently here, but maybe someone can find some apropos online with a little research? These posts can be easily edited after the fact as more knowledge becomes available.