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Sometimes there’s no need to re-invent the wheel, or sometimes we can learn best by copying something already done well, like artists used to do hanging out at the Louvre and copying the Mona Lisa, or some big historical tableau by David of Napoleon in some heroic pose, or maybe Picasso, although not sure if people actually do copy Picasso. I have a hard time imagining that. Plus hard on the eyes to try and copy a Cubist painting.

Anyway, to learn how to post, open a pre-existing post in edit mode, and see how it’s constructed. Oh, and I didn’t show you yet how to “mark” your posts as being published by you. It’s down toward the bottom of the page, where there are a number of things that could be dangerous to play with, if you don’t know how.

So learning is doing and copying and trying things out, and also getting some help from somebody else in the SLC if there’s a reason or need to do that too. There’s also stuff we have yet to implement, like BuddyPress, and polling, and other packages to open.