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Couldn’t resist downloading this video from an webpage… to my hard drive, then uploading to our PSA media library by clicking on the “Add Media” button above, then upload files, then copying the resultant link, pasting it into the “Insert/Edit Video” tinymce window, and a few other details you are going to learn soon… such as the 64MB file size limit that WP 3.9.2 imposes, and which we’d like to find a work around for.

JibJab, the eCard company, uses this video as the base upon which you add your own photos/ pix where the question marks are on the faces. Well, they have the software that adds your pix to the spots on the video with the question marks.

How much fun could we have with this, with a few edits, and special effects? And a few faces… Hmmm? PS, they have more where this came from like Gangnam and “Walking on Sunshine” whatever that is. There would be some copyright issues in play, but parody is often a “protected use”. Does parody of a parody count too?