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What is “Broadband”? There’s no scientific or even accepted standard for what it is, or isn’t. Clearly as technology changes, the definition of broadband changes along with it. In this story, the FCC has upped the ante now to 10Mbps for services that get federal Connect America Fund support.

Those who predicted that as bandwidth became wider/faster services would develop to use that bandwidth, and that these services might well become critical for everyone to access, were prescient.

Such is the reality today for health care services, which can benefit and reduce costs for those who have access at “useful” speeds.

To say nothing of what will “ride” on the internet tomorrow. And the week after that. Or  five years from now, if we can imagine that to be on its way here too. Which is why gatekeeping infrastructure providers are anathema… they have no interest in making bandwidth cheaper…but that is exactly what needs to continue to happen.