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As we frequently discuss, learning is under further review, for possible dramatic disruption and innovation across the board, and in every way.

Besides the new communication technology driving change, there’s the ongoing knowledge expansion common to all fields, and learning is no exception. Science is being applied to really dig down to how learning “works”; this along with all the other brain related aspects of being human, which are undergoing revision as we learn more about how our brain works.

Which we are still in the early stages of understanding, btw, so there’s likely going to be some changes in many fields, and some very dramatic changes, when we get a better idea of “what is going on with the most complex object we know about in the universe”. (brain)

“How We Learn” by Benedict Carey was sited in an earlier post here. Now, which is “all about learning” has a new course called “The Neuroscience of Learning” done by Britt Andreatta, the director of learning and development at Lynda. Perhaps someone to research more for other things she knows. She’s listed as an author, a coach, and a consultant. Does PSA want to “consult” with her??

Interesting to note the media forms they used for this, assuming budget wasn’t too constraining, and adequate staffing was available to help. Is fully up to date with learning strategies and learning media? I use their stuff all the time, but it’s solo, not collaborative, for one thing that’s missing.