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No sooner do we become aware that emotional sensing is going on and being converted into big data and analyzed to understand what individuals respond to, and what experiences “make them feel”…. including whether they are positive to an ad or a product…along comes Thync, a hardware software plug in that conduces certain emotions or brain states.

Thync built a small team of scientists and techies to develop the product, using Tyler’s research and hundreds of other scientific papers. They selected the transcranial direct current stimulation method (tCDS) to deliver the jolts, and developed algorithms to target the front of the brain, cranial nerves and neuromuscular fibers.

Supposedly.  Described here by NBC news online story.

Then there’s the Thync website. Reminds me a little of the old “bio feedback machines” which have been around for decades, and involved a lot of DIY training based on “feedback”. This sounds like the training is sourced in research and hardwired into the brain with less DIY. Perhaps worrisome because we’d have to fully trust what was being “implanted” wouldn’t we? And beta testing with your brain seems a bit risky. =^)

Another CES beta tester of Thync here. Below a picture from the Thync website; not sure what it is supposed to do to my brain, but I feeling a bit queasy. Their motto: Shift Your State of Mind: Conquer Life. Perhaps the definition of Hubris, but is that what western civilization is trying to do?

Kudos to Margot for the link.