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Liz Brown, PSA BOD member, is taking this course on gamification. Looks kuhl.

Gamification is the application of digital game design techniques to non-game contexts, such as business, education, and social impact challenges. Video games are the dominant entertainment form of modern times because they powerfully motivate behavior. Game mechanics can be applied outside the immersive environments of games themselves, to create engaging experiences as well as assign rewards and recognition.


Not to say the talking head that barely emotes can be considered state of the art online methodology, but maybe there’s more multimedia if one actually gets into the course. He mentions fun. Well, let’s have it, somewhere in the course, hopefully.


Course Syllabus
The course is divided into 12 units. We will cover 2 of them each week:

1. What is Gamification?
2. Games
3. Game Thinking
4. Game Elements
5. Psychology and Motivation (I)
6. Psychology and Motivation (II)
7. Gamification Design Framework
8. Design Choices
9. Enterprise Gamification
10. Social Good and Behavior Change
11. Critiques and Risks
12. Beyond the Basics