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COABE (Commission on Adult Education) partners with state directors to advance adult education and literacy opportunities for all purposes.  This #COABE15 conference link lists the presenters and topics for the conference.  The conference is offering an app for those of us interested in following the conference.

I find browsing conference sessions a good way to stay in touch with the hot topics in the field and I can keep track of fellow professionals presenting at conferences.  One of the presenters I have followed on adult education lists is David Rosen.  He is presenting an online guide to blended learning for adult educators, and he plans to offer the guide free online.  Out of the 28 pages of session summaries, I noticed many names of presenters that are part of my personal professional network, either past face to face colleagues or online colleagues.  Very few sessions are offered on integrating videos into adult education.

PSA is focusing on the core concepts that result in the highest quality videos for learning.  We can learn from the needs for professional development suggested by the COABE conference presentations, and we can learn from the long list of practitioners in the field.

I’m downloading the COABE app to follow the conference in April and make contact with potential interview personalities for PSA.