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Jennifer Hofmann is presenting a session for Training Magazine Network on creating the mobile virtual classroom.

The presenter’s name is familiar to me since her book, The Synchronous Trainer’s Survival Guide: Faciliatating Successful Live and Online Course, Meeting and Events (Pfeiffer, 2003), was required reading for my OTL course on Tools and Techniques for Online Teaching and Learning.

What a difference a few years makes with respect to different learning environments.

A major concern, with respect to the mobile virtual classroom, is that organizations expect the same outcomes from mobile learners as they expect from individuals learning from desktop virtual classrooms or even traditional classrooms. They have not yet learned that different learning environments are NOT created equal and there must be a different expectation for each learning environment in terms of outcome.
This session will help you to lead the discussion about the mobile virtual classroom in your organization, by focusing on the following topics:Designing for live desktop learning vs. designing for mobile devices – what’s the difference?
Meeting business needs – the manager’s take on mobile virtual classrooms
BYOD – learning on mobile devices
Adult learning theory and mobile virtual learning