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BlogTalkRadio has a session today with game guru Thiagi.

About Thiagi: Dr. Sivasailam (Thiagi) Thiagarajan was born in Chennai, India and has lived most of his life in Bloomington, Indiana. An expert in the area of game design, Thiagi has designed more than 400 training games and simulation and has written 40 books on the subject.

One of his books is in our PSA library, having been recommended by Dr. Suzie Bussman during the NMSU OTLC cohort back int 2007. There are previous posts about him here at PSA site.

The woman doing the interviewing today is also known to PSA and previously linked to in posts here, and IIRC Kris spent some time exploring her site. Somewhat of a “self promoter to the max” type, Monica nevertheless is working in an area for which PSA has great interest… Kris being presently involved in a MOOC on gamification.


Monica Cornetti is rated as the #1 Gamification Guru in the world by UK-based Leaderboarded. Monica’s niche is gamification techniques that can be used within the corporate talent development environment