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Elliot Masie has a “Learning Trends” newsletter sent out by email, and his latest has a number of items on “Gamification”.

* Gamification is NOT a formula of how to add leaderboards, points, badges and a few characters to eLearning.
* Gamification IS a spectrum of methods, ascetics, rules, engagement strategies and more – to add GAME Elements to a NON-GAME Learning setting.
* Game Design is NOT natively aligned with Instructional Designs. Rules bend, characters evolve and FAILURE is highly valued.
* Gamification CAN be applied to each of these formats, with the right set of designs and Usability testing:
– eLearning and Game Elements
– Classroom and Game Elements
– Webinars and Game Elements
– Course Structures and Game Elements
– OJT and Performance Support with Game Elements
* Learning Personalization will impact Gamification even more deeply than expected. The learner/player will want to shift their models in real time.
* Gamification MAY NOT be the brand in the end, participants were using Engagement, Interactive, Simulations and even Company Challenges instead.
* Gamification REQUIRES that the designers and facilitators spend serious time as PLAYERS to engage.
* Gamification CAN leverage older games – from cards, Mad-Libs and Sports models – as well as Video Games Metaphors.


The pdf below notes there’s a “Gamification and Learning LAB” in NY June 23-25.

And something called Gamification Forum with Karl Kapp at Learning 2015, which takes place in November in Orlando FL. As noted previously, Masie events are generally pricey to attend, an order of magnitude more expensive than NMTIE noted upcoming by Kris.

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