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Link from Gary. The headline is kind of ironic, because of course ETF startups are going to have “mixed success”. It’s high risk, and they don’t call it “Venture” capital for nothing, and the only reason to take that risk is that the cost of not risking investment in the future is more costly.

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Hope that funding in some form can continue. Let a thousand startups bloom isn’t a bad slogan at all. Even in “out of the way” places like El Paso, or Las Cruces. Being efficient about which risk to take is a goal, but more or less by definition lean startup is unpredictable, which is why you’ve got to try it to find out if it’s worth it in the end.

R&D is always a challenge for any culture to have faith in, but you’ve got to make the investment in the future, or face decay and economic irrelevance. Or so it says here.