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This article in NPRed talks about the skills that are the keys to learner success but what do we call them?

The game I created for my most recent EdX MOOC, Design and Development of games for learning, challenged my thinking about what competencies or skills I was addressing in the game.  I believe it is important to identify competencies for games or any curriculum first since teachers feel more secure when they know they are connected to institutionally approved competencies, such as Common Core. So I googled to find the competency I wanted to address in the game.  I called the skills, “21st Century Skills, but as I googled that phrase I could not find much research on these skills.  Interesting that while the academic skills are well researched, the “soft skills” or whatever we call them are not well researched.  Yet, these are the skills for success in life in the digital world.  The skills addressed in my game focused on using social learning communities to gain and share information.