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“What we saw in spades tonight was that, in order to truly measure the success of our students, we’re going to have to look at the collective impact that our community has on their success as human beings,” Hand said. “Academic achievement is important, but there is so much more to student success than academic achievement.”

Our colleague David Greenburg, and others, recently organized a summit to focus support for better graduation rates in Dona Ana county. The story below covers the various rates, and the intentions and perspectives of various educators.

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This sounds reasonable, in that success for students is a community undertaking, and involves the whole person.

Hand then goes on to say this below, which sounds a bit like redefining success by lowering the standards of success, a doubtful and expedient view… if that’s what he is actually trying to say:

“As a community, we need to make sure that we are redefining success in a way that is attainable for all students,” Hand said.