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US Court of Appeals is taking testimony pro and con regarding the recent “Net Neutrality” rules proposed by the FCC. Just one stage in the long process of determining some of the rules and regs for internet access and affordability.

Still to come after the appeals court decision, would be likely petition to the supreme court by the losing side. Then after that, all the fine details of  the policy will be constructed by the FCC, and as we know, often the real policy is in the fine print somewhere of the rules and regs.

And then, perhaps more court process. Despite the lengthy and unwieldy process for a rapidly advancing technology, which is clearly much much too slow, it’s better than no process at all. Who knows, maybe in the end “we’ll get it right”.

Still, Gene Kimmelman, head of the public interest group Public Knowledge, which supports the rules, said the hearing was notable because while he has “heard many arguments of the commission before the court where they’ve been ripped apart,” this time “they were given sound support for using reclassification, which was the critical point.”

[gview file=”’s-how-it-did.-The-Washington-Post.pdf”] [gview file=””]