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The City of Las Cruces, and other interested parties, announced the formation of a new non profit, “Film Las Cruces”, to support film production in the area. The core idea is that if all the services that film productions require can be furnished reliably here, then film production would greatly increase, and become a more or less “permanent” component of the local economy. That’s the vision anyway.

BTW, the word “film” is still commonly used to refer to media of something like 90 minutes duration that is designed to be watched in a “theater”. In reality, the use of celluloid film exposed to light and then chemically developed, is, like film snapshot cameras, becoming less and less frequently used. In its stead, digital “film” cameras are recording digital files from light sensing chips which are then “processed” by computer applications.

How long will we continue to call this “film”? Who knows, maybe forever, because the other word we have, “video”, doesn’t really fit this long form.  Movies is a possibility…or maybe something new we haven’t thought to call “it” yet.

In any event, the facilities used to help create “films” could also be used to help create components of DLE.

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