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KZO innovations is an enterprise video content management platform that claims to measure utilization as well as community commenting. I wandered onto a live web event today that talked about using video, both synchronously and asynchronously, for explaining process in the workplace. Of course, KZO has expensive tools to sell, yet the reasoning for using video and how to get the most impact from it is always useful to PSA.

Here is a link to the web event page for KZO. I attempted to link the web event recording, but it seems I would need to sign up for “something” which I always try to avoid.

So, here are some questions covered in the web event today that would be useful for PSA to consider:
-How can asynchronous videos be shared and reused to show how to complete a task or learn something (low complexity)?
-How can synchronous web events be used for explaining a difficult process when follow up questions are needed (high complexity)?
-What is a good metric for measuring a video project? (questions coming up in forums or results of surveys)
-What are methods for delivery of video? (break down complex into short chunks, then put together in a library with keywords and hyperlinks or show the “whole thing” first to reach certain learning styles)
-How do you pick a video project? (Identify moments of need for aquisition of knowledge when learning for first time or wanting more information, and identify moments of need for maintenance of knowledge to remember, apply, change or fix)